RAI Presents a New Regional Project on Whistleblowing

RAI Secretariat is starting a new Regional Project on whistleblowing!

It’s titled: Breaking the Silence: Enhancing the whistleblowing policies and culture in Western Balkans and Moldova.

We will start with implementation in April 2020.

What shall we do:

The engagement with the legislators and selected public institutions at looking how whistleblowing can be encouraged by improving the legislative framework as well as resilience of the institutions n implementation of its whistleblowing policies and mechanisms.

Training and the regional exchange of selected institutions and CSOs with the objective to strengthen their disclosure channels, protection against retaliation as well as advocacy and promotion of whistleblowers.

Clear positive messaging to the general public on sensitizing citizens to the topic of whistleblowing, and addressing the deep rooted stereotypes and prejudice.


RAI Secretariat

17 December 2019