29 – 30 June 2021, Chisinau – RAI Visits the National Anticorruption Centre and the Ministry of Justice of Republic Moldova

The Chairperson of the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI), Ms. Laura Stefan, and the Head of RAI Secretariat, Ms. Desislava Gotskova, held meetings with the State Secretaries of the Ministry of Justice of Republic Moldova, Ms. Tatiana Tverdun and Mr. Alexandru Plesca, and with the Director of the National Anticorruption Center (NAC), Mr. Ruslan Flocea.

The Director of the NAC, Mr. Ruslan Flocea, thanked RAI Secretariat for the permanent support, offered to the institution and openness for the implementation of some projects on corruption prevention. ”For years, the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative has been near the National Anticorruption Center, supporting our initiatives and the expertise that it has shared with us. We are grateful for the RAI expertise in two important projects, developed by the NAC, as Methodology of identifying corruption risks within public entities, identifying public agents exposed to these risks and analyzing the risk factors that generate them, and Methodology of carrying out anticorruption expertise of the draft legislative and normative acts”, said Mr. Flocea.

Ms. Gotskova expressed her appreciation for the collaboration with NAC and informed the NAC Director about the RAI Secretariat’s ongoing and planned regional projects and activities.

This meeting was followed by the joint media address by the RAI and NAC officials at the local public awareness-raising event “Whistle for the end”, clearly illustrating the long-standing cooperation and partnership between RAI and NAC.

At the meeting with the representatives of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, Ms. Stefan and Ms. Gotskova discussed potential avenues for cooperation in the implementation of the RAI activities in Moldova. Among other issues, they discussed strategic issues including commonalities of RAI’s biannual Work plan for 2021-2022 and the MoJ’s Strategy for Ensuring the Independence and Integrity of the Justice Sector for the 2021-2024 period.

Over the years, the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative has been collaborating in the implementation of anti-corruption initiatives and in sharing of technical expertise in Moldova, including through the participation of NAC in the exchange of visit opportunities organized by RAI across the region.