- October 3, 2016
- Posted by: admin
- Categories: Meetings 2016, RAI News

23rd Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Steering Group Meeting took place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on 23 – 24 September, 2016. It was organized by RAI Secretariat and hosted by the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The meeting is the main forum of the Organisation, which will provide ground to the participants to take the decisions that will be implemented in the framework of RAI in the course of the following period.
The main decisions of the Steering Group were adoption of the Budget for 2017, adoption of amendments to RAI Documents: Terms of Reference of RAI Chairperson, Institutional Mechanism, Office Policies Manual and Finance Management Manual, and decision to re-open the call for the position of Head of RAI Secretariat as of October 1, 2016.
Moreover, the Steering Group took note of the information from the RAI Secretariat regarding the past, ongoing and planned activities and endorsed the Secretariat’s proposal to sign Memorandum of Understanding with the Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA) and approved proposed text of the MoU.
During the Meeting, the Steering Group (SG)had an opportunity to exchange views with the Agency for Corruption Prevention in BiH which presented its activities as part of the anti-corruption strategy, particularly in regards to integrity plans and online anti-corruption tools.
For more details, please check the documents attached below.
Summary, Conclusions and Decisions